#Care the Carer

Press Releases

Facebook Temp - Response budget

HKFWC's Response to Budget 2023-24

The Budget was released on February 22, 2023, which is also the first Budget after Hong Kong got rid of the disturbance caused by the epidemic, is an important direction for the current-term Government on how to promote Hong Kong's recovery from the trough. We welcome the Government's earmarking of...


HKFWC's Response to Budget 2022-23

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International Women's Day 2020: Women Voice under Epidemic

International Women’s Day 2020: Women Voice under EpidemicHong Kong Federation of Women's Centres (HKFWC), since its founding in 1981, has tirelessly committed to promoting women's rights at the grass-roots level. Given the COVID-19 epidemic prevalence, HKFWC has launched a survey to...


HKFWC's Response to Budget 2020-21

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Tai Po Carers' Group|Response to Policy Address 2023

(1) Opposition to giveaways; resources should be allocated to long-term policies and measures, as well as establishing long-term carer policiesThe Tai Po Carers' group ("the group") believes that measures such as distributing consumer vouchers do not effectively utilize community resources to...

Tai Po Carers' Group|Suggestions to Policy Address 2023

Formulating the carer-oriented policiesThe Hong Kong government has not conducted comprehensive statistics on the carer population and has not released relevant figures, significantly affecting the planning of carer services and support in various sectors of society. We propose that the...

Position paper to the LegCo Subcommittee on Promoting Carer-centric Policies on Carer's Support by Tai Po Carers' Group

The "Carers' Concern Group" ("the Concern Group") is formed by a group of carers and members who are concerned about the situation of carers in Tai Po District. The Concern Group is committed to supporting the needs of carers in the district and raising the community's awareness of carers. In this...

CNN|Position paper to the LegCo Subcommittee on Promoting Carer-centric Policies on Carer's Support

"Care Neighbourhood Network (CNN) - The All-in-One Carer Support Platform ("the Platform") is formed by a cross-sectoral group of stakeholders in Tai Po, comprising carers, social welfare organisations, religious organisations and social enterprises, and is committed to supporting the needs of...

JCABC|Carer's Interview - Elaine

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JCABC|Carer's Interview - Szeto

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JCABC|Carer's Interview - Zing

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JCABC|Carer's Interview - Sau Yee

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Position paper to the LegCo Panel on Welfare Services on Carer's Support

Set up in 1981, the Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centers have always fought for the rights and situations of women and carers. No one is born to be a carer. Being a carer should be a choice instead of an obligation. However, in traditional society women often have to take up the role of family...

Events & Programmes

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329 Flag Day (Hong Kong Island)

After a long absence because of the epidemic, with the approval of the Social Welfare Department, the Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres is pleased to announce that the "Hong Kong Island Flag Day 2025" will be held on March 29, 2025 (Saturday) in Hong Kong Island. The event aims to raise funds...


JCABC|The Screening of Her Care

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Staff Development | Workshop on Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill

The "Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill" is about to be implemented. We are holding training workshops for staff involved in childcare and afterschool care services to understand the reporting mechanisms, identify and handle cases of child abuse, and enhance sensitivity to child protection. At...


CCWW|Eugene Baby Expo 2024

The Project of "Co-creating Women Workplaces" at the Jockey Club Lai Kok Centre participated in the Eugene Baby Expo 2024. The program's baby massage assistants, along with trained graduates who are members of the Carer TimeBank, provided free baby massage technique teaching experiences for...


CSR 2023|My Heavenly City

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Film watching "Barbie" with carers

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WhatsApp Image 2023-08-01 at 10.45.04 AM

TimeBank|Sewing Group

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WhatsApp 圖片 2023-02-15 13.23.28

HKCSS Convention cum Hong Kong Social Service Expo 2023

Hong Kong Social Service Expo is held in Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition Centre with the theme of "United for an Inclusive Society", organised by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. It aims to build a platform for various sectors such as business, medical, education, professional bodies,...


TaiKo Workshop for Women Carers

With the facilitation of Virginia Chu and Lam Yip, 30 carers from the Jockey Club Wah Fu Centre and Jockey Club Lai Kok Centre joined a TaiKo workshop in Tseung Kwan O. TaiKo is a traditional Japanese sport which only allows males to play. But today, our carers learn a lot from the workshop.


Carer Cafe|Wah Fu

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CSR 2021|Carer PUMP Workshop

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Beijing+25 Regional Review CSO Forum

The 25-year anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPFA) will be celebrated in 2020. It provides an opportunity for feminists across the globe to review state action and compliance in the implementation of the BPFA. It also provides an opportunity for governments and NGOs...


Caring Company Expo 2019

Caring Company Expo 2019 was held on 20 May 2019 by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service. The main focus of our booth was on supporting working carers this year. Many working carers face immense pressure while working full time and taking care of their family at the same time. As a result, some...

Mothers Day 2019-02

Mother's Day 2019|Rest Day of Mum

"Mums Need A Break" Mother's Day Campaign 2019|Rest Day of Mum The HKWFC, Tin Shui Wai Community Development Network, and Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service Care Centre are consistently promoting social awareness of children carers, providing suitable service for children carers, reducing their...


Carer Cafe|Kick-off Ceremony

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Carer Platform

"Carer - Who to care?" Seminar

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International Women's Day: Women Election Forum

Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres, in association with Gender Reasearch Centre of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Women's Coalition on Equal Opportunities, is going to hold a women's forum on Legislative Council by-election on 8 March, 2018 in LT2, Yasumoto International...

HKFWC in Media


【織善社區】織善社區 創造空間新想像 善用有限空間 實現無限可能

Chinese version only.香港土地供應緊絀,每一寸空間都彌足珍貴。在空間與經濟掛鉤的現況下,有機構自發為基層市民度身訂造「發夢」、想像、照顧的空間,打破空間限制。周大福慈善基金今年推出「織善社區」,以深水埗...


【關懷照顧者】團體辦課程支援照顧者 議員籲加津貼 (Chinese Only)



精神病患照顧者身心疲憊 有誰共鳴?(Chinese Only)


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社福團體指滅貧欠KPI 促放寬照顧者津貼申領資格 (Chinese Only)



通識導賞:無糧出 無假放 無投訴 留一天給照顧者喘息 (Chinese Only)



社會服務:7社福機構提供一站式支援 (Chinese Only)



誰謂天地寬? 護老者的心理健康 (Chinese Only)

心理健康是都市人的一大課題,根據2021年Work-life Balance城市排行,香港是全球過勞人口比率最高的城市。作為照顧者,恐怕更多時候是有苦自己知。去年四月,一對老夫老妻面對照顧困境,最終引發「以老護老」雙亡悲劇,再...


全職媽媽的Me Time (Chinese Only)


大埔地區康健站今開幕 陳肇始冀為區內市民提供適時護理服務 (Chinese Only)


Screenshot 2022-07-26 at 11.02.15 AM

照顧者咖啡室:重塑非正式社會支援網絡與照顧者身份 (Chinese only)



流動車走訪大埔區 籲關注「照顧者」 (Chinese Only)



大埔快閃感謝祭 集遊戲體驗巿集、分享會、托兒所支援照顧者需要 (Chinese Only)



懷舊冰室車一連五日走訪大埔 設社區咖啡室聆聽照顧者需要 (Chinese Only)

疫情期間家庭照顧者既要防疫,又要家中照顧長者或兒童,仿如「24小時on call隨時候命」,壓力瀕臨爆煲,有團體日前獲區議會資助,首度過流動服務車形式,今日(15日)起一連五日走訪大埔區內多個屋苑,以懷舊冰室模式為...


照顧者壓力爆煲 政府要阻止慘劇再生 (Chinese Only)



一個照顧者為本的「第三空間」 (Chinese Only)



鄰里以外:照顧者社區聚腳點和建立非正式社會支援網絡的重要性 (Chinese Only)

【撰文:馮家宜博士、陳永新博士】現時政府沒有就照顧者在港的人數及家庭數目作全面的統計。根據《2015年香港統計月刊專題文章:殘疾人士及長期病患者》,香港至少有203,700名與殘疾人士同住的照顧者,以及175,600 名與...


照顧者照顧別人 誰關心照顧者的需要? (Chinese Only)

早前一宗母親疑不堪照顧壓力勒斃21歲智障兒子的事件,引起社會關注照顧者壓力問題,之前亦曾發生過八旬翁誤殺長期病患妻子的事件。照顧者面對壓力不輕,但在心理及經濟支援上,卻未必有足夠資源協助。 雖然政府...