#Care for Carers

Press Releases


Care for Carers|Support Child Carer in COVID-19 Pandemic

Care for Carer|Support to Child CarerThe "Care for Carers" Support to Child Carers Focus Group (the Focus Group) expresses concerns over the government's latest territory-wide suspension of face-to-face classes for kindergarten and junior primary students in the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic...


International Women's Day 2019 - Child Carers' Support

Since 2011, the HKWFC has launched different women campaigns on the International Women's Day to voice our demands and fight for gender equality to society and the government. This year, we have organized a "childcarer" event with over 100 women and children on the East Wing Forecourt of the...


Position paper to the LegCo Panel on Welfare Services on Carer's Support

Set up in 1981, the Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centers have always fought for the rights and situations of women and carers. No one is born to be a carer. Being a carer should be a choice instead of an obligation. However, in traditional society women often have to take up the role of family...

HKFWC in Media

照顧者 | 沒有天生的照顧者!社區支援、暫託服務助短暫喘息!「安護員」善用照護知識關「照」他人 (Chinese version only)

Please refer Chinese version. 「照顧者」在香港近年日漸被認識,並開始受到廣泛的關注及討論,在本星期剛新鮮出爐的施政報告中,行政長官李家超亦提及一系列支援照顧者的政策措施,如動用關愛隊透過探訪,以荃灣及南區...


近6成半受訪者日均看護8小時以上 團體促增設照顧者醫療券 (Chinese version only)

Please refer to Chinese version. 本港近年發生多宗照顧者悲劇,引起社會關注港府相關支援是否足夠。有團體最新調查顯示,近6成半照顧者每日照顧時數達8小時或以上,有4成半更長達12小時以上;其中逾半受訪者屬多重照顧者...

調查發現9成6照顧者感壓力 (Chinese version only)

Please tefer Chinese version. 有調查發現, 約4成6照顧者一天工作時間為12小時以上, 超過9成6照顧者因照顧而感到壓力, 有8成3照顧者因照顧而感到焦慮。 照顧照顧者平台在上月13日至今月13日進行「照顧者身體勞損...

Hong Kong carers need more healthcare support as survey finds more than half suffer from strain injuries, advocacy group says

Hongkonger Moon Li, a 53-year-old single mother, has had to endure intense back pain for seven years after she was hit by a box of goods while working as a saleswoman. In 2016, her doctor recommended major surgery that would have involved a 10-day hospital stay and six months of bed rest, but...


慈樂邨倫常案|照顧者被動難自救 社工:資助有限制 識別靠外展 (Chinese Only)



狄志遠辦照顧者支援論壇 倡設10億基金 (Chinese Only)



大埔快閃感謝祭 集遊戲體驗巿集、分享會、托兒所支援照顧者需要 (Chinese Only)
