Jockey Club Mental Wellness Project for Women

Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Jockey Club Mental Wellness Project for Women is the first women-oriented mental wellness project, which aims to assist underprivileged women in our community, in the hope of identifying their emotional or mental illness symptoms as early as possible, providing preventive or early-stage interventional treatment and referral services.


The project has incorporated service, university research and public education, so that we can help the public understand more of the mental illnesses common among women, improve women patients' conditions in the community, alleviate their emotional problems, and enhance the mental wellness of women and their families. We are delighted to be one of the supporting organizations, seeking for women in need in the community and providing treatment as early as possible.


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Enquiry|JCWOW Centre

2388 3711

Unit 1709, China Shipbuilding Tower, 650 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon

Events & Programmes


Art Exhibition on Women & Pandemic

2020 is not an easy year for everyone. The outbreak of the pandemic took everyone by surprise, causing much worry and fear of getting infected inadvertently. Mothers worry about the health of their children, carers worry about whether their family members have enough protective materials, and...

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The Colour of Divorcees' Lives|Art Exhibition of Divorcees

Thank you for your participation in our exhibition called "The Color of Divorcees' Lives" on the 1st and 2nd June at the Nido Asia Art Gallery in Sheung Wan. The event included the Human Library Hong Kong hosted by Mr Pong Yat Ming and the theatre workshop led by experienced applied drama...

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【JOWOW】Shining Life

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JCWOW 4_工作區域 1

【JOWOW】Rainbow Drawing

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JCWOW 2_工作區域 1

【JCWOW】Being a Better Woman

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