
  • 1. Donation Amount

  • 2. Personal Information

  • 3. Donation Summary

HK$300300 (monthly)

can provide continuing education courses for an unemployed, distressed or impoverished women

can provide continuing education courses for an unemployed, distressed or impoverished women

HK$500500 (monthly)

can over the cost of a session of professional counselling service for a distressed women, provide her experienced situation analysis, emotional support and resource referral

can over the cost of a session of professional counselling service for a distressed women, provide her experienced situation analysis, emotional support and resource referral

HK$1,0001,000 (monthly)

can pay for one month's after school tutorial fee for a child from low-income family so that the mother can take on a part-time job and reduce the risk of leaving their children at home alone. More importantly, it can change the child's life with knowledge

can pay for one month's after school tutorial fee for a child from low-income family so that the mother can take on a part-time job and reduce the risk of leaving their children at home alone. More importantly, it can change the child's life with knowledge

HK$ (monthly)

Other donation amount

Other donation amount

*Donation Receipt Required: